Tuesday, January 05, 2016

WTF?! Sick...

I've been avoiding my son and wife's sickness for the past two weeks. I feel like I'm high every night I'm so hopped up on Nyquil and Dayquil but it's been worth it not catching the sore throat or deadly fever or cough.

That all ended roughly 12hrs ago. I woke hours before with a sore throat, but it was very minor. Later in the day it was attempting to kick my butt, but I wouldn't let it. I grabbed multiple fever reducers and jammed them into my mouth one after another.

When I got home that's when the fun began. I started feeling blah. There's really no other word to describe it other than blah. My sore throat is worse and I had a fever of 101 last checked roughly a half hour to 45mins ago.

I'm not gonna let this win. I've taken Chloriseptic and Nyquil and hopefully I'll wake up as myself in the morning. Here's hoping....

BTW I'm back.. sorta.



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