Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Freedom Forever is the Shadiest Company I've Ever Dealt with

We bought a house in November '23 that had solar panels installed and working. I was told I had to take over the loan through Mosaic in order to move in. This was non-negotiable. After a very strict credit check I was approved.

I have been paying monthly since December '23 and the solar panels have worked great, until recently when my electric bill tripled. Investigation into the inverter showed a red light at the top, and a blinking green light every second underneath it. That was curious, so I contacted the electric company and inquired why my bill was so high. They checked and said solar had not produced for almost a month, so my bill was higher.

I then contacted Mosaic and asked who the installer was and they proceed to tell me Freedom Forever and gave me the number. I contacted them to inquire about the issue and they said I wasn't on the account. I told them I am the homeowner and I should be on the account. They told me I needed to put in for a warranty transfer by providing a deed of trust via email which I promptly did. They added me to the account and said since I put in already they'd get me to repair who told me the unit was experiencing a production issue and the soonest appt they had was 2wks away so I took it.

Roughly a week goes by and I get an email reply to my deed of trust from Freedom Forever. This is the actual reply in its entirety:

"Good afternoon! My name is [omitted], and I am with Freedom Forever Customer Support. I hope you're doing well.

After reviewing your email, I understand that the Disbursement Date on 11/20/2023. I’m really sorry to inform you that we’re unable to transfer the system into your name as the warranty transfer period has expired. The timeframe to start the process for the warranty transfer is 20 days from the closing date of escrow.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Since the system cannot be transferred to your name, it will remain under the old homeowner's name, and you won’t have access to the monitoring link.

If you have any other questions or need further assistance, please feel free to let me know. Thank you for your understanding."

I'm not going to sugar coat it. I wasn't very understanding at all:

" So what am I supposed to do?! I own this house and NOBODY told me that was what we needed to do INCLUDING MOSAIC. Are you saying you won't repair the unit I pay monthly for?! Yes as you can imagine I am irate and I PROMISE YOU sorry for the inconvenience means NOTHING to me. Please advise because I have a VERY expensive paperweight on my home and you're not going to help me?!

I don't care WHO'S name is on it, but I want it fixed. I also want to speak to a supervisor on this matter because your answer is COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE."

I then attempted to call until I realized it was Sunday and they probably had bad email support like most companies, so I planned to wait until Monday. They replied to my last email with the following:

"Good morning! I hope this email finds you well.

I understand your situation and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Unfortunately, since more than 20 days have passed, we cannot proceed with the transfer request.

Please know that I genuinely wish I could assist you further with this matter.

Thank you for your understanding."

I tried to be more understanding:

"Okay. Fine. Then tell me what my options are? If [owner] owns the warranty then so be it. Are you still going to repair it? Please provide next steps."

Final response before I called them:

"Regarding the voided Warranty Transfer, I'm unsure of the next steps within our process. However, I suggest you try contacting the original homeowner to see if they can authorize you on the project and provide you with the username and password for the monitoring link.

Please let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with."

I called them the next day. They are very friendly, but made it clear they can't help me. I asked for a supervisor who told me their policy. As I told them, I understand their policy, but that doesn't help me. They said it was right here in the signed contract and I asked whose signature was on it. They told me the original homeowner. So now there is a contract myself nor my wife has ever seen? Brilliant. I again pleaded to no avail. I then decided to call them back again and told them I want it ripped off my roof and the inverter/battery backup pulled and to contact Mosaic and tell them to let me out of my contract. Their response was they were very sorry, but they can't as the unit is under warranty. That's fantastic. Is it my warranty? Nope. Do I pay Mosaic $172mo for the next 20yrs? Yup.

So they won't help me. They've made it clear what the contract states and I've made it clear I've ONLY seen Mosaic's contract, but it doesn't matter. Their website says if there is a production issue (see above) they'll reimburse the difference in your electric bill. Will they do that for me? Not a chance. It seems they're looking for a way to get out of their contract. Since I don't have access to their monitoring link I can't check anything on it. A few months ago Freedom Forever showed up to check on a alarm they had received. Talking to the tech I got the information for the monitoring link and have monitored it. They're just not aware.

The unit went out for 10 days straight in April and again 10 days straight in May. Then May 27th it stopped producing and only started again on June 21st. That is unacceptable and they should be reimbursing me for the extra money, however they won't because of their 'policy'. This should be a breach of contract and I shouldn't be forced to pay for it.

Update 240628: I've posted numerous bad reviews on X, Google, Yelp, reddit, NextDoor and everywhere else I can think of. I contacted the Attorney General who is looking into the matter. I'm not letting up. This 20 days past escrow is probably one of the most deceptive business practices I've ever seen. I will update when l have further news.

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